The DMP began in the winter of 2011 as a pilot project with 14 youth. The youth and facilitators met 3 hours a week for 12 weeks.

In summer 2012, the DMP ran three 5 to 9 day camps with 10-18 youth participating in each. One camp was in Beauval, Saskatchewan and two were in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (one out of Aden Bowman Collegiate's Earthkeepers Classroom and the other out of the Core Neighbourhood Youth Coop).


DMP Posters Advertising 2011 & 2012 Camps
(click images to enlarge)

Each group participated in a series of workshops in which they gained map-making, photography, and video skills. Workshop topics include mapping one’s communities, travel through local and global space, learning photovoice as a political tool, photographing one’s important places, and photographing community issues including in relation to sustainability issues.

Participating youth created final video projects in which they developed an overall narrative about who they are in relation to local and global places and sustainability. The digital creations are shared with the community via film festival screenings and social media platforms.