All About The Digital Media Project

DMP is an action research and teaching project developed in collaboration with local community organizations, operating out of the Sustainability Education Research Institute. Click here for a video introduction!

The DMP Research

The data analysis for DMP is focused on the main themes of youth orientations to place, sustainability, community, and identity. Click here for more details on the DMP research!

Youth Media

Selected videos and photovoices created by the participants of the DMP camps are featured online and in the community. Click here to view some of the narratives created by the youth!

The DMP Process

Participants took part in a series of workshops in which they gained map-making, photography, and video skills. Click here for an overview of the DMP's process!

Resources & Partners

Curriculum and equipment are available for loan to educators and community organizations interested in doing similar workshops with Saskatchewan youth. Click here to get connected with the DMP's teaching resources and partners!