Local Food Facts & Benefits

-- Local food production practices are mindful of the preservation and maintaince of the environment.
-- Buying local food builds community through supporting the local farmers and economy.
-- According to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Saskatchewan is only 7% self-sufficient (compare: MB 57% and AB 33%). It is estimated that Sasktachwan consumers spend an $25 million anually on fresh vegetables that could be grown within the province.
-- Local food travels a shorter distance: requiring less packaging and producing less waste. Being closer to the farm results in better quality products with a fresher taste and a longer shelf life (compare: the produce at your favorite big box store; past-ripe upon purchase from having trecked the globe to get here).
-- Buying local food may reduce food waste. 1

Reducing Food Waste through Local Food

--Over one quarter of food purchased by Saskatchewan families is wasted. According to the "Spending Patterns In Canada" outlined by Statistics Canada, in 2007 the median total income for all census families in Saskatoon was $72,970 and the average household spent $6,425 (11%) on food. At the same time, it is estimated that Canadian households wasted 29% of their food, equivalent to $1,863. Based on an Saskatoon household average of 2.4 members, each Saskatoonian spends just over $64 per person/month in food waste.

--Spending money on great quality local produce may reduce food waste as one should be more tempted to eat it due to the higher monetary investment

Local Foods Available in Saskatoon

Fruits Vegetables Herbs Meat Other
Saskatoon berry Legumes Basil Cattle: beef & dairy Honey
Apples Cabbage Garlic Hogs Rye
Dwarf sour cherries Beets Dill Bison Flaxseed
Raspberry Carrots Parsley Poultry & eggs Wheat
Strawberry Peas Coriander Sheep/lamb Quinoa
Sea buckthorn berries Soybeans Chamomile Elk Oils:sunflower & canola
Pin cherry Lentils Tarragon Wild boar Mustard
Haskap Peas Coriander Venison Wild Rice

-- List is not exhaustive

Availability of Organics

-- The interest in organic food production is increasing. "In 2005, Saskatchewan comprised more than half (295,000 hectares) of all the certified organic land in Canada and more than one-third (1,200) of organic producers."
-- Organic producers in the province are comprised of: 92 livestock, 12 vegetable, 3 orchards. The majority of organic farming is in grain and oilseed.

For More Information (Resources)

1 According to the "Spending Patterns In Canada" outlined by Statistics Canada, in 2007 the median total income for all census families in Saskatoon was $72,970 and the average household spent $6,425 (11%) on food. At the same time, it is estimated that Canadian households wasted 29% of their food, equivalent to $1,863. Based on an Saskatoon household average of 2.4 members, each Saskatoonian spends just over $64 per person/month in food waste.
-- Saskatchewan Organic Marketing and Processing Directory
-- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada: Vegetables: A Growing Industry
-- Vegetable Program, Dept. of Plant Sciences at the University of Saskatchewan: Recommended varieties for Saskatchewan producers
-- Farming In Saskatchewan