How do I put page numbers on my essay pages?
The best way to put page numbers into your document is to divide your essay into two sections (one section for the title page—which isn't numbered—and another section for the body of the essay itself—which is numbered).
The first step is to create your sections. In Microsoft Word, put your cursor somewhere in your title page (click on the text somewhere on this page). From the "Insert" pulldown menu choose "Break" and "Section Break (Next Page)."
Now go down to the first page of your essay and click somewhere in the text to put your cursor on this page. Choose "Page Numbers " from the pulldown menu under "Insert."
From the popup box that appears, choose the position (where you want the number to appear) and the alignment of the page number (right, left, center). Click off the option to "Show number on first page."
If you were to click "OK" at this point, the page numbering would start on your title page. You need to get the page numbering to start in the section where your cursor is, which contains the body of your essay. Click on the button that says "Format..." Then click on the button that says "Start at:" and key in "1." Now click "OK."
Click "OK" again and you're done.